Ultius Editing Service Video Client Profile Client Needs My Analysis My Process My Outcomes



Client Profile: Ultius, Inc. is a global technology company who provides web and mobile software to connect consumers with freelance writers based in Las Vegas, NV.

Client Needs: An extended commercial highlighting the merits of Ultius, Inc., communicating the company's belief that providing needed relief in periods of high stress is conducive to healthy student lives. 

My Analysis: The public viewership must sympathize with the commercial's main character in order for the editing service to avoid public scrutiny.

My Process: To accomplish this, I painted the main character as a relatable student facing an unfortunate and unpredictable series of unavoidable daily inconveniences.  By the end of the commercial, the custom editing service has provided a praiseworthy service in relieving the main character's inescapable distress and has clearly communicated their core belief.

My Outcomes: This commercial helped position Ultius in a positive public light.  Today, Ultius is the most popular and widely used editing service with over 800 writers worldwide and 24-hour reliable customer support.  To learn more about Ultius and to see this commercial on the company's homepage, visit Ultius.com.

